Hello all! We're cooking out on Wednesday June 1st - 6:00pm on the Uptown East Patio. We'll have brats, burgers, chips and drinks - so stop by, meet your new neighbors for the summer and eat some good food hot off the grill! Can't wait to see everyone, weather permitting!
With Finals looming, Uptown East has decided to take resident appreciation up yet another notch. We will be providing the most important meal of the day to all residents and students alike.
Friday May 6th - 9:00am - 11:00am "Bagels & More" (Catered by Panera Bread)
Monday May 9th - 8:00am - 10:00am "Donuts, Donuts, Donuts"
Tuesday May 10th - 9:00am - 11:00am "Pop Tart Extravaganza"
Be sure to stop by the Amenities Center in the morning jump-start your day!
Are the Bulls Poised for another Championship Run?
Come watch the NBA Playoffs in the Uptown East Theater - there are eight large reclining chairs to kick back in, with room for more chairs if you have too many friends. The playoffs are always better on the big screen - feel free to order food to the Amenities Center (at 1401 LaPorte Avenue) or stop by the office for a bag of popcorn. You can also stop by our leasing office to reserve the theater in advance.
Uptown East Theater - Wednesday April 20th at 7:00pm
Calling all muggles and other Harry Potter enthusiasts. Uptown East will be showing the latest Harry Potter release in the UE Theater Wed. April 20th, at 7:00pm. We'll provide drinks and snacks - and we will also be raffling off our copy of the DVD to one lucky attendee. It's more fun when you dress in theme - hope to see a number of lightning bolt scars and wands this Wednesday!